Are variable rate mortgages still the best choice? We are all familiar with the antics of Jason in those Friday the 13th movies, but Wednesday the 13th (of July) could see even more bloodshed for anyone with a variable rate mortgage as a steep interest rate hike by the Bank of Canada seems imminent. 5-year variable mortgage rate history This simple graph puts the last 15 years in perspective and clearly shows just how much of a bargain variable rate mortgages have been over the last couple of years. Here's why experts say Canada isn't headed for a recession Inflation is spiking and interest rates are soaring, so many pundits say we are heading for a recession. This article does a good job of explaining those factors and adds data to argue that a recession may not be imminent. Going electric: Should I buy an EV in 2022? Gas prices hit the stratosphere and electric cars look pretty good right now, but make sure you consider all the factors: purchase price, depreciation, government rebates & incentives, charging cost and infrastructure, range, etc. Personal finance tips for singles Life can be pretty care-free before settling down with a partner, but it can also be expensive! Check out these tips on being single and saving. |