Domandi - Is

  • Is what I am purchasing right now more important than my long term financial freedom?
  • Is this passive income?
  • Is my thinking attitude and behavior in line with the character of God and the truth of scripture?
  • Is resistance, resentment, and regret cluttering up my mindset?
  • Is this a friendly universe?
  • Is there some way I can share the load?
  • Is it worth it?
  • Is it smooth?
  • Is your professional life so inspiring that you can't wait to get out of bed each morning to start again?
  • Is this system transferable?
  • Is this one of God's questions?
  • Is what I am doing in this moment the best use of my time?
  • Is this activity drawing me closer to my goals or moving me away from them?
  • Is what I am doing right now moving me closer to my dreams and goals?
  • Is what I am doing right now moving me closer towards what is most important to me?
  • Is this making me money?
  • Is this saving me money?
  • Is this reducing my stress?
  • Is this increasing my energy?
  • Is there a better method?
  • Is your business getting you closer to your dreams?
  • Is your DNA programmed for wealth?
  • Is there anything I should have asked you but did not?
  • Is this what you want me to do?Ask God often
  • Is working harder at this the best solution to this problem?
  • Is what you are cherishing worth the price you are paying?
  • Is this of you for me? If not please remove it.
  • Is your life making any decided difference in anyone else's
  • Is my reaction one that will relieve the problem or just my frustration
  • Is there truth or merit in their position
  • Is it true
  • Is it kind
  • Is it useful
  • Is my understanding of Scripture increasing
  • Is your life making an impact for the glory of God
  • Is the stand I am taking Scriptural
  • Is there any benefit to me outing this person
  • Is it a way of life for you that you recognize always and continuously God as the Source of all that is
  • Is what you are cherishing Worth the price you are paying
  • Is your character conversation and conduct such that people who are living in sin are convicted by your presence
  • Is this Scripturally sound
  • Is this something I may share
  • Is this thought going to build me up or tear me down
  • Is your Business built on models or marketing
  • At what point is the next opportunity bigger than the current opportunity you are experiencing
  • Is it better to have 100% of my own efforts or 1% of 100 people?
  • Is there anything that keeps you up at night
  • Is God testing my faith
  • Is there some blessing I'm to enjoy
  • Is there some Victory I'm to have in my life
  • Is there a promise I've not been able to believe You for
  • Is there any truth you want me to comprehend
  • Is there a sin in this passage you want me to avoid
  • Is your prayer life God centered, problem centered, self centered or personal centered
  • Is this Godly council
  • Is there anything you've ever done that God has not forgiven you for
  • Is my life an expression of Love toward God
  • Is the pleasure of the sin worth the consequences of ultimate enslavement
  • Is this a compliment to my Business
  • God what is your purpose for this crisis pain Hurt and sorrow
  • Is your relationship with God more intimate than it used to be
  • Is it better to be a Business that does that or an agent that claims it
  • Is the way you are living now going to make a difference in the life you will live eternally
  • Is one of my problems doubt
  • Is the Church you attend concerned about missions around the world
  • Is the Church you are attending equipping you to face the trials and storms of life with confidence and boldness
  • Is the Church you are attending building your faith and strengthening your relationship to Almighty God
  • Is the Church you are attending enabling you to understand Scripture
  • Is the Church you are attending encouraging you to live a Holy life
  • Is the Church you are attending encouraging you to live the Principles of the Word of God
  • Is the Church you are attending providing guidance
  • Is obedience to the Lord a lifestyle for you
  • Is there anything else you want to tell me about me
  • Is God trying to say something to me about my life
  • Is this true of me
  • Is there anyone in your life with whom you can share your weaknesses successes and failures
  • Is that based on economics or ideas
  • Is this a Review or an Intervention
  • Is this Relationship worth what it is going to cost me to mend it
  • Is the goal to be right or to save the relationship
  • Is that significant
  • Is there a lack of connectivity between you and the customers that are buying from you
  • Is the way you are the way God intended you to be
  • Is this good for the Customer
  • Is there a contrast between what you say and what you do
  • Is your baseline sense of normalcy eroding
  • Is what you want in life mostly for you or others
  • Is your life all wrapped up in me myself and I
  • Is there anybody that you need to put your arms around today
  • Is this worth the potential penalty?
  • Is this my last ever interaction with this person
  • Is there anything I am doing right now that is upsetting you?
  • Is their fruit in their life such that they are equipped to give you counsel
  • Is it embarrassing for them to ask for a reduction in compensation after your presentation
  • Is prayer a priority in your life
  • Is this beyond me now
  • Is the most important thing in your life your relationship to God Almighty?
  • Is what I am doing right now creating a Quantum Leap
  • Is this person whom you are requesting counsel from living in and coming from the word of God
  • Is it not working or are you not working it
  • Is this a human resource or clarity issue
  • Is there anything in your life you would consider more important than being a man who has a heart for God
  • Is there anything you desire at the price of being a genuine servant to the Living God
  • Is your obedience motivated by fear of the consequences or love of Unity with God
  • Is there any great burning question in life that you would love to know the answer to that you have not yet to your satisfaction worked out
  • Is this the wisest thing to do
  • Is this about Calling Provision or Passion
  • Is our vision aligned
  • Is disobedience the exception or the rule in your life
  • Is your obedience to God off and on up and down in and out
  • Is your income growing at the same rate your expenses are
  • Is your life a reflection of the presence of God on this earth
  • Is how you are spending your time going to get you to where God wants you to go
  • Is it more important that my children learn to trust God or that I have their acceptance
  • Is your love others centred or self centered
  • Is there anything you don't need God's viewpoint on
  • Is there anything of great value that does not require discipline in order to achieve it
  • Is this a message to me Lord
  • Is there anyone you take advice from
  • Is there anything we have not covered that you want us to talk about
  • Is there anything about me that you particularly dislike that I can change
  • Is there anything I can do to add value
  • Is it worth the power of the presence of God to keep your heart pure
  • Is there anything we can change to make this easier
  • Is it more important to put myself in a position to have a great tomorrow or do what I am about to today
  • Is anyone's life different because you have been in it
  • Is this a trend or a fad
  • Is what I am doing the best way to do this
  • Is there anything else
  • Is God attempting to speak to me through this criticism
  • Is this a valid criticism
  • Dear God is there anything I am holding on to that you do not want in my life?
  • Is this an indication that I am conforming to sin in my life?
  • Is this a wise decision based on the consequences?
  • Is this a wise decision based on the Word of God
  • Is this a wise decision
  • Is this decision consistent with the word of God
  • Is this feeding me and us as a family
  • Is this person on a growth path and can we mutually learn from one another
  • Lord, is there anything I need to deal with so that I may be free and not respond in an inappropriate way when things do not go the way i want them to
  • Is it a violation of any principle in God's word
  • Is there anything in your life that you are absolutely not going to let go of?
  • Is money the thing about which your life rotates
  • Is there anything you know about you that God does not know
  • Is this still my dream
  • Is it true
  • Is it necessary
  • Is it kind
  • Is it better to tell them the truth or take very good care of their feelings
  • Is this person committed to an honest interpretation of the word of God unbiased and uninfluenced by denomination
  • Is this person by his lifestyle attempting to abide by the Principles of the word of God
  • Is it indifference incompetence or complicity
  • Is this Relationship valuable enough to me that I want to preserve peace in it
  • Is there a right way to get this need met in my life
  • Is this temptation a specific violation of the word of God
  • Is there anything else
  • Is there anything you have ever done that the Lord Jesus would not forgive you for
  • Is your primary interest your present pleasure
  • Is your primary interest your future security
  • Is it possible to have a Personal Relationship with the One True God
  • Is that a need or a desire
  • Is the process model Broken
  • Is the financial model Broken
  • Is this different than anything you've seen before
  • Is this an act of God or a lack of action from man
  • Is this a wise decision
  • Is this decision in agreement with the word of God
  • Is it a barrier to entry based on competitive forces or do you have a sales and conversion issue
  • Is this in the best interest of my health journey