Mario Daniel Sconza Buying, Selling & Investing System
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Or We Buy It!*
+Mario Daniel Sconza and home owner must agree on price and closing date
Domandi - What
What is extra ordinary about my business?
What benefits do your tools and skills provide a customer?
What are my top three goals for this year?
What do I have to achieve by the end of this month?
What is the single most important accomplishment of this week?
What is working well that I need to do more of?
What is working not so well that I need to do less of?
What things on my to-do list do I need to delegate?
What things on my to-do list do I need to not do?
What would make it a 10?
What are you trying to teach me?
What happened?
What do I do now?
What situations in my life am I declaring wrong?
What are you resisting?
What are you regretting?
What am I looking forward to?
What are you holding on to that if you let go of you could succeed with ease?
What do you want more of?
What is keeping you stuck?
What is your favourite failure?
What do they need?
What can they afford?
What am I prepared to give up?
What motivates the people I work with?
What would it take for you to up your game to the next level for the next 90 days?
What am I grateful for?
What are my strengths?
What does heaven on earth look and feel like for you?
What can I be appreciative of in the present moment?
What did I learn today?
What did you contribute today?
What did I do with all that was entrusted to me?
What did you do with all that has been entrusted to you?
What kind of person do I have to become to get all that I want?
What am I doing when I am most happy?
What am I doing when I am making the most money?
Lord, what are you saying to me?
Lord, what am I supposed (unfinished, unreadable)
What will you do today to blow someone away by how excellent, innovative, positive and kind you are?
What kind of skills will I have to develop?
What knowledge will I need to gain?
What do you want people to say about your company?
What did I leave behind?
What occupies your time and attention?
What are you best at?
What turf can you defend?
What are you grateful for right now?
What do you hope people say about you when you're not there?
What would you say if the 5 most important people in your life passed away and you were eulogizing them now? Tell them now.
What is important about...?
What did you do today to move closer to your dream?
What do I want my listeners to think?
What will I no longer tolerate?
What is non-negotiable?
What do I want my listeners to feel?
What do I want my listeners to do?
What is your number one concern about selling your home or buying your next home?
What do you need to know about me to make you feel more comfortable with your decision?
What is your mission?
What is your purpose?
What are your values?
What can you do that matters?
What can you do that has a lasting impact?
What won't you stand for?
What are the things that you have been putting off that if you would just get into action on it would change your life forever?
What is the impact to you not taking action?
What is stopping you from playing full out?
What is that you want to accomplish?
What requirements are necessary to accomplish your goal?
What might get in the way of achieving you goal?
What location is associated with your cause?
What is the time frame for your goal?
What is your motivation and/or inspiration?
What are the reasons for, or purposes behind, your goal?
What do I want to become?
What ten things would the person who is best in the world at what you do be doing in a regular basis that you are not currently doing?
What am I doing?
What works?
What does not work?
What action stops could you take today to become a verb in your industry?
What is one source of pain in your life that you want to fix?
What is the seductress in your life?
What is tempting but builds no lasting value?
What did I do today to build my list?
What are you working on?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
What do you enjoy the least about your job?
What is going well?
What is going less well than you would like?
What can I do today that makes it inevitable to grow my list tomorrow?
What don't I see?
What will you regret not doing at the end of your life?
What is the level of your effectiveness as a parent, spouse, friend, and sibling?
In what way can I apply this idea to better produce the outcomes I desire in the future?
What if I make a mistake?
What would my career look like if I spent 100% of my time doing the 1 or 2 that would most advance my career?
What does freedom mean to me?
What are we testing today?
What is the worst possible thing that could happen?
In what way can I apply this idea to better produce the outcomes I desire in the future?
What do you do well?
What do you want to do more of?
What do you want to do less of?
What is the relationship between my principles and my conduct?
What specific incident inspired you to start your business?
What's your crowning achievement?
What is the single biggest mistake you have made along the way?
What *big* idea accelerated your business growth more than any other?
What are your typical business rituals that drive business growth?
Knowing what you know today, what would you have done differently ten years ago to have grown faster?
What is the single best lesson life has taught you?
What does greatness look like in your life?
What are the 5 questions I will ask myself at 55?
What does excellence look like in my life?
What do I love doing?
What would I die for?
What is the most important to me?
What is holding me back?
What action am I most resisting taking in my life at this very moment?
What will I do differently next time?
What will I no longer tolerate in my life?
What has been the most dramatic turning point in my life and how has it served me?
What steps will it take to get this?
What will I do when I get there?
What do I want my life to stand for?
What would I be doing each day if I was truly excellent and the best in the world at what I did?
What is your predictable working outcome?
What am I pretending not to know?
What am I most resisting in my life at this moment?
What is my purpose?
What one thing can I do regularly to lift my life to its highest level?
What am I willing to die for?
What else can I do?
What major lessons have I learned?
What do I want to be an expert on?
What is my exit strategy?
What wisdom did I learn from my life's experiences?
What is the system you used to make it?
What would you recommend I do to become a millionaire?
What is the most important lesson you have learned?
What is working?
What is not working?
What would Jesus do?
What is one pattern I must have in my life to manifest my destiny?
What is the most important thing in my life the thing I love most?
What are the two biggest challenges I am faced with in my life today?
What are two specific things I will do today to overcome the challenges I am currently facing?
What and how would my life change if my yearly income became my monthly income?
What and how would my life change if my yearly income became my monthly income?
-what it would take?
-what kind of person does this?
What do I want people to remember about me?
What activities did I engage in today that moved me closer to my goals and dreams?
What activities did I engage in today that moved me further away from my goals and dreams?
What was my most productive activity today?
What was my most unproductive activity today?
What could I delegate that would improve my productivity or allow me to spend more time in anothe area of my life?
What activities did I participate in that are not in line with my values?
What did I do today that made me feel guilty?
What specifically will I do differently tomorrow that will make me more productive and allow me to be more in line with my values?
What % of the time do I stay on schedule?
What did I do to show my family I love them?
What will I do differently tomorrow?
What future are you creating?
What will be different in my life two years from now if I continue doing what I have always done?
What would I like to accomplish in 2, 3 and 5 years?
What do I value most in life?
What do I want in life and what changes do I need to make in order to get it?
What would have to happen to make my life perfect?
What am I tolerating in my life that is physically and emotionally draining?
What are my fears and are they preventing me from moving in the direction I want to go?
What do I need to stop doing and what do I need to start doing?
What do I need to become better at?
What do I have to do to be an 'A' student?
What one skill if developed would have the greatest positive impact on my business on my life?
What are my goals?
What is my threshold for pain and repetition?
What have been the 5 defining moments of my life and how have they shaped me?
What are the people around me doing to me?
What do the people around me have me reading?
What do the people around me have me saying?
What do the people around me have me going?
What 3 books have had the greatest impact on my life and why?
What decisions from the past are in my present?
What did I accomplish this week?
What did I intend to do but did not complete?
What are the challenges and problems that I am faced with right now that I will overcome?
What are the opportunities available to me right now?
What things do I want to discuss and with whom?
What do I intend to do in the next 7 days?
What should we be doing more of?
What should we be doing less of?
What should we stop doing?
What have I been doing exceptionally well?
What have I not been doing exceptionally well?
What are the things I must do to make sure I achieve the goals I have set? Top 3.
What new systems must I put into place to achieve my goals?
What are the biggest things that will stop me from achieving my goals?
What skills do I need to develop?
What disciplines do I need to develop?
What is my average commission?
What is the most important insight you can offer from your experience and expertise that can be transformational?
What do the people around me have me thinking?
What do the people around me have me becoming?
What was really good about this past month and why?
What was really good about this past month and why?
What did I learn this past month?
What could have I done differently - within my control - to make this past month a better month?
What am I going to do differently next month to make it the best month ever?
What is your conversational environment?
What specifically would I like to learn during my life? Spiritually? Physically? Financially? Technically? Intellectually? About relationships?
What specific incident inspired you to start your business?
What's your crowning achievement?
What's the single biggest mistake you've made along the way?
What *big* idea accelerated your business growth more than any other?
What are the typical business rituals that drive business growth?
Knowing what you know today, what would you have done differently ten years ago to have grown faster?
What am I grateful for?
What about that makes me grateful?
What am I proud of?
What about that makes me proud?
What am I happy and excited about in my life right now?
What about the make me happy and excited?
What am I enjoying in my life?
What about that am I enjoying this?
What am I committed to in my life?
What about that makes me committed?
What are some of the things I will do today and who are some of the people I will serve today that will lead me to where I want to go, who I want to be and what I want to have?
What is the wisest thing for me to do now?
What do others compliment me for?
What does my employer praise me for?
What do my clients come to me for?
What are my friends impressed with?
What do people appreciate about me?
What are the untapped opportunities, overlooked assets, under-performing activities, under-optimized resources, under-utilized relationships?
What would you do differently next time around?
What is something you wish you had tried but never did?
What is the number one thing you attribute your success to?
What is the best financial investment you ever made?
What books are you reading?
What is your favourite book of all time?
What is your best technique for doing the things you need to do on the days you don't feel like doing it?
What mentors have you had in your life?
What inspires you?
What are your hobbies?
What is your passion?
What is the best advice you have given your children?
What do you do to "Think Bigger"?
What's motivating me to do this?
What am I avoiding looking at?
What am I afraid of?
What should I be doing to add value to my business?
What are the facts of the current situation?
What changes should I make?
What needs are not being met in my business now?
What would I do if I had an unlimited budget?
What are the things that I ought to be doing to add the most value to my family and to my business?
What would you ask you if you were me?
What is the lesson that took you the longest to leqrn?
What are some of the challenges you encountered along the way
What happens when your memory fades away and your legacy lives on
What is God doing in your life and through your life
What is my next move Lord
What do I do next Lord
What are you holding on to that you've not yet been willing to surrender
What do you want to do with me God?
What do you want to accomplish in me with me and through me today Father
What would I do to kick my own ass
What do you do when there is nothing you can do
What is next for you
What is the consequence of the beliefs you are now adapting
What limiting beliefs have you had to shatter?
What are you dealing with right now
What are you receiving from your work besides money
What do you want from your work besides money
What are you doing today that has eternal value
What did you do when
What do you want me to deal with
What am I not doing
What do you own that is not available to Jesus Christ
What are you going to do in the next 6 months to take on extra risk
What is your goal in this adversity for my life Father
What do you envision your day looking like
What type of community initiatives are important to you
What would life look like if
What most influenced you to give us this score
What is the Source
What are you struggling with
What do you require to move your life forward
What is the next best thing in your life
What are you up to these days
What part of your life is amazing doing the minimum
What aspect of your life if you improved it would have the most significant impact on all the other aspects of it
What are 20 things you know that other people would pay you to know
What can I do where I live with what I know with what I have for someone who needs to know Jesus Christ
What would be one of the ways you could expand on that idea to gain more opportunity
What is important to you about being successful
What capabilities do you require
What conclusions did you arrive at
What would the boldest version of me do
What is something that I missed that we should have covered
What shall we do to help you arrive at this conclusion
What are you doing to stay in dialogue
What is the next step in your mind
What advice would you give to people about growing older
What would you say are the major values or principles that you lived by
What would you say you know now about living a happy and successful life that you did not know when you were twenty
What are some of the most important choices or decisions you have made that You have learned from
What was the turning point in your life
What advice would you have for a younger couple thinking of calling it quits
What mistakes should Young people avoid regarding getting and staying married
What is the secret of a Long marriage
What mistakes should people avoid in child rearing
What kind of advice do you have about raising children
What are some of the most important lessons You feel You have learned over the course of your life
What would you have me do for my existence for you
What things in your life have you failed to ask God for
What can be better than the loving plan God has sketched out for your life
What don't you know yet that is important for you to discovery
What do you have that You did not receive?
What old life did you leave behind in order to fully follow the Son of God
What do you want your dash to represent
What impact do you want to have on this world
What do you want to be remembered by
What can you do in your Market Place to be first
What in your life has been Super Amazing that you have not committed to 100%
What are your personal professional and financial goals
What got in the way
What does it cost not to have it
What do you want people to say about you
What am I resisting about this person
What can we do
What did you like best about our service
What crime have I committed
What is your process for accomplishing that directive
What would you suggest is the best place to start
What is the one thing you would never want me to know about you
What is the central theme of the life that wins
What did I do today to make the Business better
What is God's viewpoint of me
What do I understand about God that I did not used to understand
What do I know about God that I didn't used to know
What has this taught you
What could you have done differently
What could I have done differently
What have you learned about me in this process
What have you learned about yourself in this process
What does the Lord want me to know through you right now
What kind of support do you require to make these adjustments
What part of your life has grown to amazing doing the minimum
What does this mean to and for me
What are you saying to me in these verses
What is there in my life that you want to prune
What encouragement is there here
What challenge is there here
What caution is there here
What conviction is there here
What are you saying to me in this passage
What is my upward mobility opportunity
What is unsettling for you
What keeps you awake at night
What is the annual and lifetime value of a customer
What would you do differently if you knew you had only one week to live
What did your client like about this home that caused them to submit an offer
What is the most important aspect of this move for you
What has prompted your move at this time
What do you want me to do Lord
What do you have in mind Lord
What do you think
What is the impact the needle mover has made
What has the needle mover been for you
What area of my life is undisciplined
What is the image I am portraying and how may I improve upon it
What do I represent and what do I want to be known for
What evidence is there in your life that you are growing Spiritually
What has to have happened in your life personally professionally and financially for you to be happy with your progress. (Let us pre suppose we are sitting here 3 years from today and we are looking back over the last 3 years)
What is your definition of growth
What is your pro growth strategy
What are you doing with your time on my dime
What will people say about you when you're gone
What would God do with my life if He had full control of it
What right do you have to hold anything against anyone when God has forgiven you for everything you have ever done and has beforehand forgiven you for anything you will ever do
What are you willing to give up to hold on to your convictions
What do you need to let go of and what do you need to allow to let go of you
What is it in their life that caused them to be able to see it in mine
What can I do to repair this
What does it take to create a valuable Business Asset to sell it
What is your strategy for execution
What is your routine of staying ahead so you don't fall behind
What does that look like
What is at stake
What is your goal in allowing this in to my life
What is the Wealth opportunity
What can I do to repair this
What caused this to get off track when it was going so well
What was misunderstood
What was believed
What was said
What was it about your very best friend that first attracted you to become friends with them
What is the intentionality of your follow up and Remarketing Systems
What one good reason do you have for doubting yourself
What is your goal for my life in this suffering Lord
What are the basics of disruption
What would the small negatives be about your relationship with him
What is a Teachable person
What do you not know a lot about
What am I willing to do
What is God telling me to do
What should I do
What can I do
What is it in your life that slows you down
What would you do if you knew where the Devil lived
What is the question behind the question
What are you taking delight in?
What do you want from my Life Lord?
What do you want for my Life Lord?
What are you willing to give to have the desires of your heart
What can you do apart from God that really matters
What if you could borrow money and earn interest on that money as if you did not borrow it
What would you have me do now Lord
What are you living for
What do you need to bake in to your Business today to end up with what you want it to be tomorrow
What do they say about you when you are not there
What will they say about you when you are not here
What is God saying to you about your life
What is the most important Source of Energy known to mankind
What do you see when you watch you
What does God say about this
What does it look like to be the eternal version of myself
What is the difference between practicing something to get it right vs practicing something until you can't get it wrong
What caused that
What makes your heart beat?
What is your definition of winning
What do you do that is hard for people to live without
What is more important. My ease comfort and pleasure or hearing from God?
What are you committed to in our relationship this week?
What will you have to give up in order to be that commitment?
What would you like to be acknowledged for?
What are you happy about?
What have you been trying to tell me that I have not been letting you say?
What is one of your favorite sexual memories of us?
What do you admire about me?
What is dormant in you right now that you would like to activate?
What ideas are you ready to let go of?
What does the life you want to live look like? What steps are you taking to create that life?
What is your favorite part of my body?
What is something you have always wanted to do, but have been afraid of and why?
What is your number one priority in life at this moment?
What is something you would like to experience next time we make love?
In what ways could you become more present in life?
What sexual "hang ups" do you have?
What do you need to ask help for in your life?
What does loyalty mean to you?
What do I do during sex that you really enjoy?
What is your prayer for the planet and humanity?
What are the things over which I had the ability to manage that I did not manage very well
What is getting in the way
What stories am I telling myself
What should we be measuring
What is the "problem" you solve for people and why does it even matter
What are you busy doing
What is your delegational model
Lord what would you have me to do and where would you have me doing it
What is the plan will desire and nature of God according to Scripture
What is the truth
What is your goal for this experience in my life Dear God
What makes you unhappy
What are you doing to be better
What am I now able to do in order to create a bigger audience
What are some mistakes you have made that you would want me to avoid
What would it be worth to you to receive every lead that we do every day of every week of every month
What is the lifetime value of a customer
What would it be worth to you to be in front of all these customers
What would your life look like if you received one referral per year from every single client every single year
What can I do to make things look different
What kind of advice would you give your younger self
What do I want my Company to be more of
What can penetrate the shadow of the Almighty
What is your objective for me in this difficulty Lord
What is it that stops the traffic when a policeman holds his hand up his power or his authority?
What is this doing to the heart of the organization
What do you fear most in life
What does disobedience gain you
What are you afraid of
What is in my hands that is preventing my surrender
Dear Lord what are you wanting me to see in this circumstance
What does God want me to know through you this day
What do you see
What are you sensing
What is the origin of this
What is this
What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures
What can I develop
What can I change
What do you pray for primarily
What can I promote myself in to
What should I be firing myself from
What am I leaving to those who will follow me concerning my faith
What do you wish you would have done differently
What are you spending money on right now that is not earning money
What is your most recent accomplishment
What is your objective for my evolution in this difficulty and hardship Lord
What is this all for
What is your repeatable element
What is the fastest pathway to where you most want to be
What is the clear definition of what implementation looks like?
What are the resources required to get it done
What is next
What should I ask you?
What do you want to be remembered for
What is the thing that you hope for today above everything else in your life
What am I struggling with
What attitude or action goes on in my life that does not conform to the life of Jesus Christ
What do you own that you cannot lose
What are the consequences of this choice
What would you do about it?
What is the best and worst thing about being a...?
What is God working in your heart about
What is the next thing God is telling you to do
What is God's goal in this adversity
What do you think your greatest virtue is
What is the basic root of this behavior
What is the cause of this fear
What is the pattern in the life of Jesus Christ
What values and principles have you passed on to your family
What is the root cause of your conduct
What do you most wish people knew about you
What do you want to be true at the end of your life
What is your financial independence number
What is the earth suspended upon
What is the one thing that they can do that they are able to do immediately that will drive them forward
What prescription are you writing them
What is the one thing you can do in the next week that would cause your Business the most leverage
What is the biggest limiting belief you've had to overcome to arrive at this point
What can we do differently or better to plus this
What is your target and are you on track to achieve it
What measurable progress have you made
What do you stand for
What is it that you are running to
What would your role model do
What is your Micro Market
What is not working
What is working
What do you want to be today is frustrating you
What are you not happy about
What can you anticipate if you fail to build truth in to your life
What do you have to anchor your soul when you do not have the truth
What are you genuinely committed to above anything and everything else in life
What are you doing in me with me through me and to me at this moment Dear God
What are you sacrificing right now to substantiate that you really want this
What do you think happens to you when you die
What are things about yourself that you would like your children to reflect
In this given situation what do you think the word of God says I should do
What is the origin of this
What is this
What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures
What caused me to get in to this position
What is your purpose in this affliction Lord
As you look at the way you respond to others what is more apparent the fruit of the Spirit or the deeds of the flesh
What is imperative for me to stop doing
What is imperative for me to start doing
What in my life requires re organization immediately
What am I doing that is right however I am going about it in the incorrect way
What am I doing that I should not be doing
What am I not doing that I should be doing
What can you learn that will help you grow through this
What is the worst thing that can happen
What would your children think of the home
What is the message God is sending me as a result of my failure
What value are you giving them by asking only what it is that you would like for them to do
What matters most
What questions did you not have the answers to in your twenties that you now have
What are you spending money on right now that is not making you any
What advice would you give your younger self
What did I do to cause that to happen in my life
What are you running to
What is the next best thing you can now do to evolve your life
What is the inception of how that deal came about
What do you think your weak points are
What did you see in it back then
What did you take away from that experience
What did you create
What am I not understanding
What is the toughest lesson you have had to learn
What would you have changed along the way
What are you most competitive about
What are some of the things people did not see that you were doing that nobody else did
What philosophy lead to that outcome
What would you charge about you
What would you change about you
What makes you happy right now
What can I do to improve on my mistakes
What would make this easier
What projects could I accelerate
What makes you the happiest
What frustrations do you have
What did you learn about yourself
What is happening behind the scenes
What is the dark side of it
What lie am I believing
What do you see coming in to my life that you are equipping me for Lord
What area of my life is undisciplined
What wars against me in my mind
What right do I have to be unforgiving
What do you possess that you treasure most
What does disobedience gain you
Lord, what is your will about this
What commitment have you made to Almighty God that is only between you and Him
What is your one greatest regret
What actions are you taking to create wealth and abundance
What would you think sat and do were you already the one you want to be
What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today
What are they saying
From an elevation standpoint, what do you see yourself gaining by making this move
What am I doing as a Leader to take things off the plate of my Agent Partners?
What are you using and how are you winning?
What does my unreal life look like
What behaviors habits beliefs and/or relationships require growth or change
What does accomplishing the highest version of you do for you and the people you care about
What options will the achievement of my income and transaction goal provide me
What are the traits characteristics and habits that make up the highest version of you
What am I going to focus on?
What external substances or behaviors are you using to medicate internal problems?
What are you dependent on in order to operate at Baseline?
What are you bound to?
What are you paying for that you do not care about?
What is the greatest piece of advice you were ever given?
What is the biggest win of your Career maybe psychologically if not financially?
What interesting challenges are you encountering?
What knowledge do they have that I do not that I can acquire?
What about this can be applied to my life?
What is at the root of this?
What are the things that allowed you to have that vision and then execute on the steps to arrive at it?
What is it that God requires of you that you are arguing with him about?
What do you need in your life today
What place does the Holy Bible have in your life
What has God done for you in the Pivotal Pinnacle points
What is your goal for this valley experience in my life Father?
What are your non negotiables?
What are you holding on to that you are willing to keep holding on to even at the expense of God's loving best for your life?
What is the most pertinent event in your life that you feel has shaped who you are today?
What are the lasting consequences of this decision?
What are you thinking about and tampering with that could cost you your future?
What is the early context I must know that will help me understand who you are today?
What do you think the word of God says I should do in this given situation?
What are the consequences of this decision
What is the basis of the expectation of God supplying all of your needs?
What is the object of your affection?
What is it about the nature of society that makes you sad or concerned?
What would I have done a little differently had I done it all over again?
What is the best part about being you?
What is more important to you the how the why or the who
What is a message you want to leave behind
What is a lesson you have learned the hard way
What is the worst advice you have ever heard or received
What is the best advice you have ever heard or received
What are the top 3 values that you want your children to embody
What are the 3 things you are wanting to solve right now that would add scaled impact to Humanity
What is something you know now that you wish you knew then
What are your greatest takeaways on dealing with change
What are you importing in to your head
What choices does this enable me to have
What were my circumstances the last time I yielded to temptation
What was I thinking the last time I yielded to temptation
In what are of my life do I find myself coming back to confess the same sin over and over
In what area of my life am I having the most difficult time being obedient to God
What is your area of weakness
What is going on in my life that would cause God to not answer my prayer
What has brought discouragement on in your life
What is the Lord teaching you in these moments of joy and sorrow
What does History tell us about the changing of the guard of a world power
What are you doing in this season of your life
In what ways have I drawn an imaginary circle around myself
What if there is no truth and only different points of view
What do you see
What can I celebrate
What do you do with the weeds in your life when they begin to grow around you
What is your emotional home
What is the purpose of fighting if you will end up not being able to fight for the people who you are fighting for
What did you not know that you now do
What has God called you to do
What was the reality of his life as you have come to understand it
What is driving me towards this
What do you have going on on the inside
What regrets do you have
What will people say of you when you are a memory
What gives you strength when you are being attacked
What basic principles do you hold in your life that you would not give up under any condition
What do you worry about most in life
What has your attention
At what time do the sins of your past not catch up to you
What constitutes true greatness
What do you want out of your work besides money
What are you getting out of your work besides money
What is the bottom line of my thinking
What are your check points
What questions should we ask that we do not even know to ask
What are you worried about right now
What are the consequences to my personal life if I move forward with this temptation
What are the consequences to others if I move forward with this temptation
What are the consequences in the future if I move forward with this temptation
What are the consequences now if I move forward with this temptation
What are the consequences if I yield to this temptation
What kind of relationship do I have with the people around me
God, what is your goal for this trial in my life
What is your process for continuous improvement
What would love say
What could I have done differently to avoid this situation
What is blocking us from forgiving ourselves
What are you thinking about at the moment
What are your top 3 sources of income and where is your income coming from
What is the One True God like
What if everything I am going through is preparing me for that which I asked for
What is the basis of your expectation
What would it take for you to consider yourself rich
What do you love about me
What do you not love about me
What story are you addicted to
What is it that you cannot trust God for
What is it that exists that you cannot trust God for
What do you do when someone approaches you on a critical matter in anger
Dear God what would you have me do
What are you most looking forward to
What is it about your current home that you absolutely love and want to be certain is replicated in your next home
What do I need to let go of in order to create space for that which I really want
What do I know about God that I did not used to know
What will be left of me
What is left for me
What has God allowed in your life that you would like to rid yourself of